Why Our Family Only Uses Young Living Essential Oils

Hi, my name is Nathalia Wilke and I’m obsessed with essential oils.

When our son was about 10 months old we learned about something that they don’t prepare you for in all the prenatal classes at the hospital, or all the “what to expect” type books or articles. No, we were introduced to this terror called sleep regression with a giant punch to the gut. Our sweet angel baby who was the envy of all of our parent friends when it came to sleep (sleeping an average of 10-14 hours straight since he was a newborn…seriously don’t know what we did to deserve it!)  suddenly decided that sleep was for losers. Some nights he would simply refuse to go to sleep in the first place, and other nights he went to sleep right away, fooling us into thinking we were going to have a good nights sleep. He would wake for 3-5 hours at a time in the night. Yes, you read that right. (*Currently rubbing Valor Essential Oil on my chest while I type this because it’s bringing back some seriously trying times!) Anyway, there we were running on about 2 hours of sleep per night while each working full time jobs (mine was teaching a class full of kindergartners so you can imagine what that was like on no sleep). We were tired and we felt sick, so we turned to the internet willing to sell our souls for a good night’s sleep.  Everywhere we looked essential oils seemed to be the answer. As sleepless zombies we didn’t have the time, luxury or brain capacity to doubt whether this hyped up new “trend” actually worked or to properly research it. So assuming all oils are the same, we looked up the cheapest oils that we could go pick up at a local store, because two day Amazon shipping was two days too many. A sleepytime blend of lavender and chamomile was the winner. Following the directions of a few articles, I added a few drops to Jack’s bath that evening with Epsom salts and prayed for a miracle. Well, a miracle didn’t happen but a rash did. This poor baby’s entire body was covered in red bumps almost immediately after getting in the bath. Enter all the mom guilt.  So I gave up on essential oils for a while but eventually I was sucked back in by the intrigue of how so many people swore by them yet I only failed with them. With Jack’s sleep regression in the past and a fresh, rested brain I began to read more about these magical oils and why they work, how they work and why (like in my case) they wouldn’t. To sum up my findings and make a long story short (she says after typing a novel about her son’s sleep regression-insert eyeroll emoji) these were the ultimate reasons we decided to stop using store bought essential oils and only use Young Living Essential Oils.

  1. Purity and quality of the oils. I can’t stress the importance of this enough. In my research I learned that in order for a company to put “100% pure essential oils” on its packaging, the product only needs to contain 5% of the pure essential oil. I know what you’re wondering, what’s the other 95%? In short, dilutants. Which can mean a number of things, and since these things aren’t specified you won’t know if you (or your poor baby) will have a reaction to these question mark ingredients the way Jack did. Not to mention diluted means less of the actual oil so while you’re thinking you’re getting a great deal on only $10 for this 30ml bottle of lavender, you’re probably only getting a small percentage of lavender essential oil and a whole lot of dilutants and synthetic fragrances. Yuck and yuck. Did you know that Young Living is the only essential oils company to have a guarantee on the quality of their oils as well as the quality of how the crop is grown and harvested? It’s called their Seed to Seal Promise and you can read more about it here.
  2. Less is more with Young Living Essential Oils. When essential oils are diluted you would have to use a lot more of the oil in order to get full effect of it’s properties. That means twenty or more drops in your diffuser just to be able to smell your oils, meanwhile you’re inhaling unknown dilutants and potentially synthetic fragrances too. With Young Living oils I can put anywhere from 4-9 drops in our living room diffuser and the fragrance will fill the entire downstairs of our home. So while the cost of Young Living Essential Oils is higher than those you’ll find elsewhere, a little goes a long way, making them far more cost effective. This is also a prime example of cost equaling quality. Filet mignon and chuck ground beef have different price tags for a reason right?
  3. This one is totally an added bonus. Buying essential oils from Young Living can actually mean you getting paid…for buying essential oils for yourself. Since it is a multi-level marketing company, I receive a paycheck every month for using products I love and sharing it with my family and friends. With very little “marketing” (i.e. occasional instagram posts showing a product I love) I’ve been able to have my oils paid for every month.  Some months my paycheck has even been enough to pay for my son’s preschool tuition. As a stay-at-home mom, it feels really good to be able to contribute financially in any way. Craziest part? I haven’t even reached a business level rank yet. Pretty amazing! 

Since transitioning over to only Young Living oils I can tell you that I have had zero failures the way I did with other brands. (Excluding the time I applied undiluted peppermint EO to my temples and I felt the back of my eyeballs burning and freezing at the same time. Rookie mistake. Dilute your oils, people!) When used properly these oils can really be life changing. We’ve been able to get rid of so many household products and replace them with natural, plant-based, toxin-free products, the way nature intended! 

I hope this has helped you to understand the importance of quality of oils as well as encouraging you to ask what else your essential oils company can offer you. If you’re interested in grabbing a Young Living Premium Starter Kit and becoming a wholesale member click here

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